Use of Geotechnology in the Study of Land Degradation in the Sucuru River Basin, Paraíba
Watershed, GIS. Environmental degradation, Cariri ParaibanoAbstract
The objective was to map spatially and temporally the degradation of the lands of the Sucuru River basin in the region of Cariri Paraibano. The SPRING 5.2.7 program was used for the digital processing of orbital images and the photointerpretative keys for evaluation of levels of degradation, field visits, consultations with literature and public agencies. There was a regeneration of the areas that previously were in the levels of degradation very serious and moderate severe, due to factors such as the drought that is hindering the agricultural exploration, as well as the reduction of the animal exploitation and of the arboreal extractivism. The banks of the water bodies of the basin, for the most part, are at the level of severe degradation, resulting from the removal of this vegetation due to the exploitation of these areas for the most varied uses. The degradation processes, together with the incorrect use of the lands of the studied basin had as main consequence, the rural exodus, requiring the intervention of the public power so that the local communities can develop sustainable activities, considering social, economic and environmental aspects.
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