Agroclimatic zoning for rice planting in the central mesoregion of the Maranhão State
Climatic risk zoning, Water balance, AgrometeorologyAbstract
The aim of this study is to accomplish a climatic risk zoning to define the best season to planting rice in the central region of Maranhão State. There were used data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics; Historical series of precipitation and temperature obtained from the National Water Agency and National Institute of Meteorology. The agroclimatic risk zoning was accomplished using the SARRAZON program. The climatic risk for sowing rice was defined as follows: ISNA> 0.65 - Low climatic risk, favorable region to the planting; 0.55 <ISNA <0.65 - intermediate region; ISNA <0.55 - High climatic risk, unfavorable region. For the R7 Region in soils with CAD 30 mm, the period ranges from the first ten-day of December to the first ten-day of February. And for soils with CAD 40mm, the better planting season is from the third ten-day of November to the third ten-day of February. For the R9 homogeneous region in soils with CAD of 20 and 30 mm, the results showed since the third ten-day of November to the second ten-day of January. For soils with CAD 40 mm, the rice sowing ranges from the third ten-day of November to the third ten-day of January.
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