Thermo-hygrometric modeling using ENVI-met® software to an urban park in Cuiabá – Brazil
Urban heat island, Mãe Bonifácia City Park, Air temperature, Relative humidityAbstract
Climate in urban areas, not under the effect of vegetation, was investigated and its benefits were observed in both vegetated and un-vegetated areas. The objective of this research was to model the air temperature and relative humidity using the Software ENVI-met® in an urban park in Cuiabá. The development of the methodology of this work involved two phases: survey (microclimate) and simulation. The microclimate survey was conducted through a mobile transect, for the periods of January 2014 to March 2014 (hot/wet) and July 2015 to September 2015 (hot/dry). The simulation was developed using ENVI-met® software during these two periods of the year. Generally maximizing the parameters, the ENVI-met® model for microclimate varied in the presence of too much vegetation. Simulations showed an increase in temperature and relative humidity in areas not surrounding the Mãe Bonifacia City Park, and this was particularly apparent in areas laid with asphalt and concrete. Vegetated parks play an important role in how hot climate thermoregulatory agents behave in the city of Cuiabá and the surrounding region.
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