Identification of microbiological contamination and mutagenic potential of surface waters of the municipality of Dourados, MS
E.coli, Muclonucleus, Aquatic environmentAbstract
The aim of the study was to evaluate the water quality of the Água Boa stream and the lakes of the parks Arnulpho Fioravante and Antenor Martins (Dourados - MS), through physico-chemical parameters, microbiological analysis and mutagenicity test to monitor interference from Antropic activities and water depuration capacity. Initially the water samples were processed for coliform analysis using the Most Probable Number (MPN) technique. For the research of Salmonella spp., it was performed the pre-enrichment and enrichment of the water sample and streaking in Xylose Lysine Deoxicolate (XLD) agar. For the evaluation of the mutagenicity, smear peripheral blood of the specimens Astyanax lacustris were collected from the places studied. The Arnulpho Fioravante Park had higher mean values for Electrical Conductivity (353.5 uS cm-2), Total Dissolved Solids (179.3 mg L-1) and the highest values for total coliforms. Salmonella spp. it was identified in the water in both parks. The highest numbers of micronucleus were observed in Água Boa stream. Considering microbiological contamination and higher micronucleus number, it’s relevant to highlight the effects of anthropic interferences in local biota. Therefore, it’s of great importance to intensify the supervision of the municipal legislation, in order to conserve and preserve these ecosystems
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