Uso de fotografias digitais no mapeamento florestal
With the advent of the new technologies in the area of the remote sensing, the survey of the natural resources started if to use of sophisticated techniques that aim at a more adequate mapping in terms of representative and necessary information of the phenomena and superficial objects, allowing to study the dynamics, to lead, to handling adequately and to monitor. The use of digital photographic pictures is very promising, beyond the easy acquisition supplies important information on changes in the use of the land. The digital cameras, possess potential and application in the monitoring of the natural features. They also present the advantage in the reduction of costs due not to need the process revelation and magnifying because it excuses to the use of the film and scanering of the photograph and, makes possible that the result is seen in the monitor of the computer, besides presenting resolution better. This work has as objective to present a quarrel on the acquired digital photograph use from digital cameras high resolution in the mapping of the forest features.Downloads
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KNAPP, K. A.; DISPERATI, A. A.; SHENG, Z. J. Evaluation and integration of a color infrared digital camera system into forest health protection programs in the western United States, southern Brazil, and Anhui province, China. In: SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO E SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÕES GEOGRÁFICAS APLICADOS À ENGENHARIA FLORESTAL, 3., 1998, Curitiba. Anais ... Curitiba: Fundação de Pesquisas Florestais do Paraná, 1998. p.127-138
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