Gastrópodes (Mollusca) devonianos da formação Ponta Grossa no Estado do Paraná (Bacia do Paraná): gêneros Ptomatis CLARKE, 1899, Pleurotomaria (?) DEFRANCE, 1826 e Platyceras CONRAD, 1840
This study presents a revision about the registers of the genera Ptomatis Clarke, 1899, Pleurotomaria (1) Defrance, 1826 and Platyceras Conrad, 1840 in Devonian beds from the Paraná State. A new species, Ptomatis paranaensis sp. novo is described. Ptomatis moreirai Clarke, 1913 and Platyceras (Platyostoma) allardycei (Clarke, 1913) are redescribed. To the last one a new combination is proposed. The inclusion of Pleurotomaria (?) kayseri Ulrich, 1892 in the genus Pleurotomaria is discussed. One pateliform specimen is described and assigned for the first time. Its inclusion in the class Gastropoda is also briefly discussed.Downloads
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