Determinação dos parâmetros de modelos biomatemáticos


  • Marat M. Rafikov Departamento de Fisíca, Estatística e Matemática, Universidade de Ijuí - UNIJUI, Ijuí, RS.



Two main methods of resolving problems related to the identification of dynamic models are known. The first method can be used when there is sufficient data of the modeled system and when the application of a statistical hypothesis is allowed. The other method can be used when no serious base to apply statistical hypothesis exists. In the latter, the problem of identification becomes a problem of adjusting parameters to the model and data observed. Two algorithms of such adjusting parameters are presented in this paper. One algorithm is based on particular characteristic of the preypredador system. In this case the average values of prey and predators, during a certain period, are equal for ali solutions. The other algorithm reduces the identification problem to the resolution of a linear algebraic equation system, where the number of equations is greater than the number of variables. The proposed algorithms were used to analyze the population of soybean caterpillars (Anticarsia gemmatalis) and it's natural enemies, living togather, in a prey-predator system. The results show that a good approximation between parameters of model and observed data occured.


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How to Cite

Rafikov, M. M. (1997). Determinação dos parâmetros de modelos biomatemáticos. Ciência E Natura, 19(19), 07–20.