Cultural, economical and sociological characteristics of the selected students to the school of Sciences - preparatory to capacite students to become teachers at elementary schools


  • Solange Capaverde Santos Departamento de Física, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas - CCNE Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Santa Maria, RS.
  • Rubem Pereira dos Santos Departamento de Estatística, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas - CCNE Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Santa Maria, RS.



The teaching of sciences needs to be the agent to promote the understanding and dealing with nature, projetcting a better future through observation of the natural phenomena. At UFSM, a public institution, the candidate disponibility rate at the school of sciences is bellow one, expressing a low attractiveness when comparing with a general rate of six candidates approximately for each disponibility for alI carriers available. Only the enhancement of teaching sciences will stimulate young people to think, discusse and to test their observations appropriately. Following this way will avoid the consequente marginalization in a society that cannot any more accept continue at this leveI of technological and scientific dependence. We have been worried about some of the aspects of the university social roles, the looks toward the educational democratization, in the sense of making it acessible to varions social levels, specially of the analizad new students doesn't exert remunerated activities, normally they come from public highschools and are from families with income bellow four minimum salaries. The number of students concluding the sciences course has sherphy decressed, while droping out and failings have increased systematically. It is necessary to develop a critical thinking in teaching sciences in a as large as possible group ps people, since the future society will be rulled by the ones who have learnt this universal language. We cannot minimizate the chance to graduate good professionals to bring up and to promote, beginning at elementary schools, the interest for science, taking the path of analytical though, developing concepts and scientific criteria, increasing the science value itself.


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How to Cite

Santos, S. C., & Santos, R. P. dos. (1991). Cultural, economical and sociological characteristics of the selected students to the school of Sciences - preparatory to capacite students to become teachers at elementary schools. Ciência E Natura, 13(13), 11–20.