One non-traditional strategy the the teaching of mathematics for the third grade


  • Angela Rocha dos Santos Instituto de Matemática, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.



In this paper. we report a teaching experience which has been done in Mathematics Institute of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro since 1983 by a group of teachers.

This activity has been presented as an extra-course of Scientific Initiation and its main purpose is to develop the Scientific though and the searching vocation of the undergraduated students.

In this Project, mathematical models have been used by teachers and students as a way of acquiring or improving their learning while they rediscover by themselves all the steps on the creative process that lead to scientific development.

This scheme is important because it valorizes two aspects of education - the informative and the formative one-changing the focal point of the educational process from the teacher to the students.


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How to Cite

Santos, A. R. dos. (1988). One non-traditional strategy the the teaching of mathematics for the third grade. Ciência E Natura, 10(10), 13–24.