Deforesting in Ibiruba (RS), as analized from aerial photogrammetry
This work had as its main objective to evaluate deforesting in the Country of Ibirubá, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Aerial photographies from the years 1956 and 1975 enable to determine the reduction of forest áreas. The forest areas were interpreted and delineated upon such pictures. The photo-interpreted spots were later placed on base maps and three principal maps of forest were arrived at.
The measurement of the areas reveals that in 1956 there was 15,124 hectares covered by forest, or 19.4% of the Country. In 1965 these values had been lowered to 11,766 hectares 15%. In 1975, the forest cover was calculated to be just 7,792 hectares which corresponds to 10.4% of the Country.
In the areas of intense agricultural activity almost total reduction of the forests was observed, including those banks of rivers and riverheads. In then most steepes regions exploitation of forests was verified without, however, total withdrawal of the forest.
There has been large deforesting in Ibirubá (RS), considering the original forest cover. Such forest was calculated as 77% of the Country, consisting mainly of high quality Araucária angustifolia.
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