GIS, Degraded Area, ManagementAbstract
The use of geotechnologies in projects and activities becomes increasingly necessary in view of the requirements of the environmental field for more satisfactory results and clearer, and less costly in terms of finance and time. Geotechnologies through GIS is a tool that presents the possibility of analysis and management of degraded areas. The results were based upon the information set forth in the project “Live Edge” and the use of Arcgis 10.2.2 software for data entry and analysis and generation of information. Identified 56 areas for recovery, and the classes of land cover and land use: farming, building, exposed soil, vegetation and wetland. Presented the possibility of entering alphanumeric information for each area by the attribute table. This work aimed to present the applicability of using a geographic information system (GIS) in the management of reclamation in the study stretch of the River Apodi-Mossley in the town of Mossley / RN environment.Downloads
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