Mineral Water, Microbiological Analysis, ReliabilityAbstract
The paper aims to describe the quality of mineral water marketed by the population of the metropolitan area of Recife-PE in 2015, regarding the microbiological and descriptive analyzes. We analyzed 70 samples of seven different brands of bottled mineral water in the period from January to April and June to August due year. The samples were divided into thirty-five units for both periods, according to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, by means of testing the presence or absence (P-A) and Pour Plate Method. Regarding the microbiological analysis of samples of the first period in accordance with Resolution 275/2005 brands A, B and C had their departures REJECTED samples and the marks D, E, F and G were APPROVED. In the second period the marks A, B, C, D and E had their departures REJECTED samples and the F and G brands were APPROVED. The percentage shown in the first period indicates 57.14% (APPROVED) and 42, 85% (REJECTED). In the second period the percentage indicates that 28.75% (APPROVED) and 71.42% (REJECTED). That is, in the second period there was obtained a high percentage of water which has been rejected due to the presence of microbiological bacteria.
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