Social memory. Cemeteries. Patrimony.Abstract
The cemeteries, nowadays, can be understood as places for reflections since we’ve lived in a world with profound transformations. The cemetery space from São Gabriel-RS was the object of study as well as another burial places in the city as Capela dos Fuzilados and Capela dos Noivinhos and the funerary niche with the monsignor Henrique Rech remains, at Matriz Church, for the purpose of a history reading, assets and throught their attractives, check the possibility of actions for valuation of those places to make a city sightseeing tour. Based on literature review, place visits and documentation, the research developed at the city main site – cemetery, more places of the city where it’s admitted to find buried people who became popular saints in the collective imagination. The collected data matches to expectation of high valued cultural, historical and patrimonial places, however it points to a need of public or private initiatives both to this patrimony safeguard and to the possibility of exploration as a city sightseeing tour.Downloads
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