Hexavalent chromium. Bioreduction. Acetobacter aceti. Micrococcus luteus.Abstract
With the growing world development there is a big waste generation by agricultural systems, industrial and besides several accidents with different pollutants, such as petrochemical, metal mechanic, leather and footwear, mining, etc, raising concern with the environment environment and more knowledge about their degradation. In this sense, alternatives are sought to try to minimize environmental problems using living organisms and their enzymes in the biodegradation of toxic compounds aimed at its eradication, reduction or transformation into less toxic substances. To evaluate the growth kinetics, survivability and bioreduction, this study used standard bacterial strains of Acetobacter aceti and Micrococcus luteus in medium containing chromium ion (VI). The chromium ion-containing media were made up by dissolving 850 mg of K2Cr2O7, 1 liter adjusted to the desired concentration of 300 mg L-1. The bioprocess was conducted and 250 ml flask type incubator shaker at 32° C for 7 days. Quantification followed the methodology established by Standard Methods (Method 3500 Cr B). Both strains were shown to be capable of reducing the chromium ion concentrations, containing more than 36% rate. The behavior of strains in liquid medium presented constantly growing and showing no interference of chromium ion.
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