Anatomy. Mineral composition. Morphology. Phytochemical screening.Abstract
This study aimed to assess chemical compositions and anatomy of Talinum triangulare extract and its cytotoxic activity in order to improve the knowledge of the specie. Leaves and stem fragments were fixed, sectioned and stained following the usual techniques in anatomy. The phytochemical screening was performed according to classical tests for secondary metabolites detection. Cytotoxicity was evaluated using as model the lethality of Artemia salina larvae. The studied leaf is amphistomatic and presents uniseriate epidermis covered by thin cuticle. The mesophyll is dorsiventral and the midrib consists of collateral vascular bundle. In the apical portion, the stem has vascular bundles delimiting the medular and cortical regions. A stratum of angular collenchyma is found beneath the epidermis. In the basal portion, the stem has about four layers of angular collenchyma and voluminous parenchyma cells internally delimiting the cortex. The phytochemical screening detects the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, coumarins, terpenes and steroids. The mineral composition showed that the major element found was nitrogen, followed by potassium and magnesium, and the leaves are iron rich. The ethanolic extract did not show toxicity in the larvae of A. salina, with LD50> 1000 ppm, which proves the safe use of this specie in popular therapy.Downloads
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