Matriz energética, Bens ambientais, Energia eólica, Grupos atingidos, ParticipaçãoAbstract
A subject of great relevance in the environmental field, the energy matrix of contemporary societies is being designed based on the search for new sources to include in the energy mix, such as the wind. In this context, two strategic factors predominate: the pursuit of expanding energy supply to guarantee supply demand, and the search by the politics of many countries to reduce carbon dioxide emission, broadcasting a fight against global warming. This work is contextualized, and aims to discuss, by means of a comparative look, the way that the transformation of territories in Brazil have been occurring for allocation of environmental assets that give sustenance to the energy matrix, first noting the matrix that is based on hydropower, and then to wind-source energy. The study brings together the perspectives presented in literature about the appropriation of environments and its consequences, the characterization of wind energy and its current situation in the country, and how the involvement of social groups affected by energy projects has led to the perception of the importance of including the participation of these groups in the decision making processes of energy-developing projects.
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