Palavras-chave, Manancial, DegradaçãoAmbiental, AbastecimentoPúblico, Santana do Mundaú.Abstract
This work is to analyze the level of degradation of the source of public water supply of the city of Santana do Mundaú as well as the quality and waste water phases capitation and distribution. For this two steps were performed , the first of which consisted of a deepening of the relevant object of research by providing theoretical and methodological issues necessary contribution to understanding the topic . On Monday, we did a study in locus, which delimit the desktop sub - Mundaú River Basin, Basin Creek Carurú; determine some physical parameters of the basin in question and diagnose the causative factors of negative impacts on public drinking fountain. The study showed that the basin to basin creek Carurú suffers some negative impacts such as removal of riparian vegetation , soil compaction by trampling of animals , improper disposal of solid waste , indiscriminate use of pesticides on the banks of the creek Caruru caused by potentially polluting human activities , another finding is related to the quality of water that people consume , despite laboratory tests claim that the water quality is satisfactory their own analyzes are not as strict deserving to be reassessed , because some data are insufficient for a complete analysis the water situation.Downloads
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