Basis for Higher Education Policies in the Uruguay-Brazil border region


  • Ignacio Pablo Traversa Tejero SNI, Sistema Nacional de Investigadores
  • Juan Francisco Xavier Alvez Centro Regional de Profesores del Norte
  • Rodrigo Garcia Stoll Universidade Federal do Pampa, Bagé, RS
  • Jorge Rodríguez Monteblanco Centro Regional de Profesores del Norte



social impact, educational coverage, emigration


This research makes a consultation to the binational population about their demands in relation to higher education, based on the hypothetical possibility of absence of prior and democratic consultations on the desires of a border population that is far from the centralism of the capital. Data was collected on the degree of knowledge that residents have about the existence of public universities and their offered courses, as well as degree programs that they would like to be taught in the region. It is concluded that the degree of knowledge of the universities varies greatly: between 93% and 35%, the knowledge of the total offered courses ranges between 15,1% and 0,5% and that of the ten most demanding courses , six are being covered in the present. As a consequence, a part of the population of university-age must migrate to other distant cities.


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Author Biographies

Ignacio Pablo Traversa Tejero, SNI, Sistema Nacional de Investigadores

Doctor em Medio ambiente; Mestre em Produtividade Florestal; Ingeniero Agrónomo y profesor de Agronegócio en la Universidade Federal do Pampa.

Juan Francisco Xavier Alvez, Centro Regional de Profesores del Norte

Profesor de Sociología; Magister en Comunicación; Posgrado en Sociología y Ciencia Política y Diplomado en Educación en Derechos Humanos.

Rodrigo Garcia Stoll, Universidade Federal do Pampa, Bagé, RS

Graduado em Agronegócio pela Universidade Federal do Pampa.

Jorge Rodríguez Monteblanco, Centro Regional de Profesores del Norte

Docente del Centro Regional de Profesores del Norte. Profesor Investigador.


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How to Cite

Traversa Tejero, I. P., Alvez, J. F. X., Stoll, R. G., & Monteblanco, J. R. (2020). Basis for Higher Education Policies in the Uruguay-Brazil border region. Cadernos De Comunicação, 24(1).




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