O maniqueísmo no discurso televisivo: uma análise do programa Linha Direta


  • Michelle Negrini




Polifonny, Speaker, Announcer


This article has the goal of reflecting about the voices present at the speach of the TV program "Linha Direta", identifing the speakers and puting them related to the figure of the announcer. For that, we used basic concepts of Speach Analysis, specially the idea of polifonny from Bakthin and the distinction between speakers and announcers, from Ducrot. As an object, we analysed one episode of the program, identifing the voices and the main senses on the representation of the criminal and the victim. We verify that on Linha Direta the images of the victim and of the agressors are built essencialy by people conected to the victims. Thus, the program presents a speech with manicheist configuration, emphasizing the victim like being essencially good or full of qualities and the criminal as a mean person, that entered the life of the victim to disturb him or her.


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Author Biography

Michelle Negrini

Journalist from the Federal University of Santa Maria; Bachelor in Information Systems from the Franciscan University Center of Santa Maria; Master in Communication and Information from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; Professor at the Franciscan University Center-Unifra


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How to Cite

Negrini, M. (2024). O maniqueísmo no discurso televisivo: uma análise do programa Linha Direta. Animus.Inter-American Journal of Media Communication, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.5902/2175497790376



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