The narrative of the image and the didactic of frontality: the MathLibras example
Frontality, Deaf Education, Mathematics TeachingAbstract
This work aims to problematize the concept of frontality in audiovisual products for teaching Mathematics, as well as its main implications, in the Education of the Deaf. From a critical analytical perspective, the text proposes a study of audiovisual products and the use of their premises for inclusive teaching, the importance of frontality and the search for visual contact between the actor and the viewer of the videos. The text, based mainly on the experience of the X project, at the Federal University X, works with the production of didactic content in the discipline of Mathematics for deaf students. The frontality of the characters stand out as results, which help to reinforce the actor's connection with the audience, and add a playful layer to the audiovisual material, a component of support to the image's didactic narrative.
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