Reflexões sobre o ensino e aprendizagem de LIBRAS a partir da experiência docente e discente no curso de licenciatura
Deaf Culture, LIBRAS, Brazilian Sign Language Experience ReportAbstract
This paper aims to reflect on the teaching and learning of LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language) in higher education based on a professor’s and an undergraduate student’s experience. It starts with a reflection on deaf culture related to legal achievements and theorists who have been working on the subject, such as Perlin (2004), Strobel (2008), Gesser (2009), and others. According to the article 3 of the Decree 5.626/2005, LIBRAS became a compulsory curriculum subject in teachers’ education. However, in one semester there is not enough time to acquire language proficiency and to prepare teachers to teach deaf people to read and write. The paper concludes that to guarantee the right to diversity and inclusion of deaf people in oral classes, the State, educational institutions, teachers and the whole society need to make a commitment to the fight, respect and education of deaf community.Downloads
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