Evaluation system. Modality. Polarity.Abstract
For Halliday and Matthiessen (2014), the notion of modality is related to the distinction between propositions (information) and proposals (goods and services), denominated, respectively, modulation and modulation, which are expressed in different degrees. Modalization presents the degrees of probability and usuality. Starting from a theoretical conception of the Systemic-Functional Grammar (HALLIDAY; MATHIESSEN, 2014), the focus of this study falls on the use of the modality resource in the Concepts and Principles of the PROEJA Base Document August 2007. This was done in the interpersonal metafunction, the modality analysis, taking into account the modulation (information exchange) and modulation (exchange of goods and services). As results, there was a high prevalence of authors' commitment to lexical-grammatical choices.Downloads
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