A mocidade de Trajano: the representation of violence and prejudice in 19th century Brazil





Representation, Slavery, Violence, Preconception


This article has as center of the discussion to estimate that the workmanship “A Mocidade de Trajano” of Visconde de Taunay constructs a representation of the violence and the racial preconception in Brazil in century XIX, touching in subjects as the slavery and the black people’s suffering in the brazilian farms. Visconde de Taunay through this romantic narrative, allow-in them to visualize an intense dialogue between the Fiction and the History represented in Brazilian Literature. In the novel, the author approaches the regimen of enslaved work in the great farms; the suffering and the preconception, as much in relation to the black people, how much to the woman African descent. In view of that the Cultural Studies have for objective to understand the culture in all its complexity and to analyze the context social politician and who is the manifest place where if the culture, is understood that the present workmanship contributes through the representation of the description-literary paper when focus a particular stage of the social development and Brazilian politician, as well as, of some ruptures in which was passing Brazil in century XIX. This work, therefore, considers an analysis, especially, concerning the aspects of the representation of the violence and the preconception, as well as of practical the cultural ones of the period.


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Author Biographies

Rosana de Oliveira Prado dos Santos

Mestrado no Programa de Literatura e Práticas Culturais na UFGD – Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados; Bolsista CAPES

Alexandra Santos Pinheiro, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, UFGD

Doutora pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP


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How to Cite

Santos, R. de O. P. dos ., & Pinheiro, A. S. (2012). A mocidade de Trajano: the representation of violence and prejudice in 19th century Brazil. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (11), 33–45. https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X78441