The Vargas government and its implications for German-Brazilian literary production


  • Clarissa Mombach Colégio de Aplicação da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC



Nationalist campaign, Brazilian literature, German Immigration


The present paper aims to reflect upon the effects of the nationalist campaign during Vargas government depicted in Brazilian literature from the German immigrants’ perspective. During the period of Vargas's dictatorship, among other measures, all immigrants and their descendents in Brazil were forbidden to speak their language in public in a way to force them to integrate themselves into Brazilian culture. This determination affected German immigrants’ way of life, because many of them couldn’t Portuguese and, due to the fact that Brazil entered the war against Germany, the immigrants suffered attacks from Brazilian people. Trading houses, newspapers and other institutions - owned by Germans - were burned and associations were closed. Therefore, the relationships between Brazilians and Germans were troubled. Which are the effects of this period on Brazilian literature? What was published in literary works about this issue? How were German immigrants and their descendents portrayed in Brazilian literature before, during and after the nationalist campaign? These are some subjects addressed on this paper.


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Author Biography

Clarissa Mombach, Colégio de Aplicação da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC

Professora de Alemão, mestre em Literatura Comparada pela UFRGS


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How to Cite

Mombach, C. (2012). The Vargas government and its implications for German-Brazilian literary production. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (10), 31–44.