Intellectual challenges and disappointments in modern Italy




Italo Calvino, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Contemporary, Anachronism, Outdated


This article intends to reflect, through some discussions, ranging from Gobetti to Flores D'Arcais, from Savinio to Magris, from Pasolini to Calvino, from Didi-Huberman to Agamben, about the responsibilities of Italian politics and intelligence in the decadence of a public critical space, affecting substantially the relationship between art and society.


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Author Biography

Andrea Santurbano, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Professor adjunto de Língua e Literatura Italiana no Departamento de Língua e Literatura Estrangeiras e da Pós-Graduação em Literatura


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GOBETTI, Piero. La rivoluzione liberale. Torino: Einaudi, 1995.

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How to Cite

Santurbano, A. (2012). Intellectual challenges and disappointments in modern Italy. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (9), 87–99.