Between the living and the dead: image and memory




Image, Memory, Contemporary Literature


This essay aims to establish a link between image and memory based on the works of W. G. Sebald, Vladimir Nabokov, Giorgio Agamben and Aby Warburg, articulating, in the convergence of these names, a hypothesis about the setting of the story through the confrontation between images and their displacement in time.


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Author Biography

Kelvin Falcão Klein, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC

Mestre em Literatura Comparada pela UFRGS. Doutorando em Teoria Literária pela UFSC. Bolsista CNPq


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DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georges. L’image survivante. Histoire de l’art et temps des fantômes selon Aby Warburg. Paris: Minuit, 2002.

GROSSMAN, Lev. “The gay Nabokov”. Salon. 17 de maio de 2000. Disponível em: <> Acesso em 20 de dezembro de 2011.

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MICHAUD, Philippe-Alain. Aby Warburg and the image in motion. Tradução para o inglês de Sophie Hawkes. Nova York: Zone Books, 2007.

NABOKOV, Vladimir. A pessoa em questão: uma autobiografia revisitada. Tradução de Sergio Flaksman. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1996.

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How to Cite

Klein, K. F. (2012). Between the living and the dead: image and memory. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (8), 4–15.