From the need to forget to the impossibility of remembering: speed, instability and emergency




Memory, Power, Media, Networks, Emergence


This article offers a brief reflection on some relations between memory/power and memory/potency. We start with Nietzsche and his critique of the rampant use of memory and history in both individual and collective realm, then move on to discuss Baudrillard’s emphatic criticism of how the virtual image ecosystem can nullify the transcendence of image production, especially in the context of television, and in a final moment we wonder to what extent decentralized and ephemeral communication affects the ability of memory production. We speculate whether social and symbolic interactions on the digital networks can represent a potent and subversive form of construction (and deconstruction) of value and historical sense apart from the mercantilist symbolic diffusion system.


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Author Biography

Alemar Silva Araújo Rena, Centro Universitário Metodista Izabela Hendrix

Doutorando pela FALE/UFMG e bolsista da CAPES


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How to Cite

Rena, A. S. A. (2012). From the need to forget to the impossibility of remembering: speed, instability and emergency. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (6), 4–19.