A alegoria e ideologia : “O rey de Havana” e “Ilha das flores”





“Rey de Havana”, “Ilha das Flores”, Allegorical reading


This paper establishes relations between the literary work “O Rey de Havana” by Pedro Juan Gutierrez and “Ilha das Flores” documentary by Jorge Furtado through allegorical reading of social problems, showed up in two different political systems. By one side Rey’s life, living oppressed by poverty in the Cuban’s socialist underworld, and on the other side, families disputing pig’s refused food in a Brazilian city dump, likewise oppressed by poverty, this one, imposed by democratic capitalist system. In this manner, allegorical reading allows reflection and discussion beyond fictional terms, getting a new valour whenever social injustice occurs.


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Author Biography

Anderson Amaral de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Mestrando em Letras pela UFSM.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira, A. A. (2023). A alegoria e ideologia : “O rey de Havana” e “Ilha das flores”. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (4). https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X74757