Nó-vivo - lévinas entre “o capote” e “totalidade e infinito”: os vestígios filosóficos das lágrimas secretas de Akakiévitch





Testimuny, Alterity, Ethics, Violence, Discurse


 Sumary biography who essay situate the philosophical thought of Emmanuel Lévinas in the place of testimony of oblivion of the alterity of subjectivities by politics, like porter of the scars of the XX century and his contradictions. Not just your self-biography, but too all your philosophy are a critic of the violence against the other and a ramson of the sense of inter-personal relations based in a ethical sensibility that discover herself awake by the alterity. The oblivion of the other, and of the responsability who link us at other, is sugest in the literature (russian, above all) and acusad by the hebraic tradition. Lévinas take atention for this and walk between this influences through a original path, where philosophy and literature pointing “the pré-philosophical” who feed your philosophical work.


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Author Biography

Cristiano Cerezer, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Mestrando em Filosofia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). Bolsista CAPES, modalidade DS, pelo projeto: “A sensibilidade como princípio de individuação em Lévinas”. Orientador: Prof. Ph.D. Marcelo Fabri. E-mail: cristianocerezer@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Cerezer, C. (2023). Nó-vivo - lévinas entre “o capote” e “totalidade e infinito”: os vestígios filosóficos das lágrimas secretas de Akakiévitch. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (4). https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X74754