Contemporany literature seen though the caracters Joana, by Bernardo Kucinski, and Alice, by Maria Valéria Rezende




Bernardo Kucinski , Maria Valéria Rezende, Contemporaneity, Movement within the city


The contemporaneity of works of literature is a subject matter of great interest to scholars and presents itself as an extremely complex issue mainly due to the difficulty in defining what contemporary really is. Under the framework of Giorgio Agamben’s theory on the topic, this article analyses two texts written during the last decade: Joana, a short story from the book Você vai voltar pra mim, written by Bernardo Kucinski, and Quarenta dias, by Maria Valéria Rezende. The purpose of this article is to observe crosspoints between the two narratives and to understand how the characters from both stories are built. To understand such analysis, the focus will be people’s movement within the city.


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Author Biographies

Deisiane Ferreira de Souza, Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais

Graduated in Literature/Degree in Portuguese from the Federal University of Minas Gerais and master's degree from CEFET. I was part of the team of volunteers for the Humanizar- FAFICH project, a popular course that serves low-income young people, for 2 years. During this period I worked as a grammar teacher. Furthermore, I developed research in the area of ​​Linguistics, I was a monitor for the online course Reading and Text Production Workshop and the Pedagogical Support at the Faculty of Arts/UFMG. At Escola Balão Vermelho, I was a reviewer for 2 years.

Olga Valeska Soares Coelho, Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais

PhD in Literary Studies from the Federal University of Minas Gerais


AGAMBEN, Giorgio. O que é o contemporâneo? e outros ensaios. Tradução Vinícius Nicastro Honesko. Editora do Unochapecó: Chapecó, 2009.

BORGES, Jorge Luis. Kafka e seus precursores. In: Outras inquisições. Tradução de Sérgio Molina. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2007.

CURY, Maria Zilda Ferreira. Non habeas corpus: direito ao corpo na ficção de Bernardo Kucinski. In: Gínia Maria Gomes. (Org.). Narrativas Brasileiras contemporâneas: memórias da repressão. 1ed. Porto Alegre: Polifonia, 2020.

KUCINSKI, Bernardo. Você vai voltar pra mim. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2014.

MARTINS, Giovani. O sol na cabeça. São Paulo: Editora Schwarcz S. A., 2018.

REZENDE, Maria Valéria. Quarenta Dias. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Objetiva Ltda. 2014.



How to Cite

Souza, D. F. de, & Coelho, O. V. S. (2024). Contemporany literature seen though the caracters Joana, by Bernardo Kucinski, and Alice, by Maria Valéria Rezende. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (43), e74410.