Memories and forgetfulness in Flávio Tavares


  • Diego Porto Del Cistia Nieto



Memory, Testimony, Torture, Military Dictatorship


This article deals with some essential topics about the analysis of the memory of people who had experienced torture. In order to do this, I will use selected parts of the book Memórias do Esquecimento, from the journalist Flavio Tavares. Between prisons, torture and exiles, Tavares takes a step forward among testimonies about the period of the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985), trying to understand and reflect about what has happened to him, searching for a meaning about this events and knowing the limits of this task. Another point to be mentioned is the interesting time fluctuation in which his written memories are built, alternating past and present continually.


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Author Biography

Diego Porto Del Cistia Nieto

Mestre em Teoria e História Literária pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas


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How to Cite

Cistia Nieto, D. P. D. (2008). Memories and forgetfulness in Flávio Tavares. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (1), e6.