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Literary text and social context: the crossing of borders, in the work A rosa do povo, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade


  • Maria Isabel Londero Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Social context, Literature, A rosa do povo


This work aims to demonstrate the social function of a literary text, as well as of its writer, trying to highlight the importance of the relationship between poetic form and social structure. Within the scope of this reflection, we defined as the object of study the poems José and Elegia 1938, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, both from the work A Rosa do Povo, published in 1945. We seek to present a proposal for the analysis and interpretation of the texts, in order to to demonstrate Drummond's political awareness amid the impact of the violent and oppressive experience of the Estado Novo in the Brazilian context and the Second War in the world context.


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Author Biography

Maria Isabel Londero, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Aluna do 8º semestre do Curso de Graduação em Letras (UFSM), bolsista PIBIC/CNPq


ANDRADE, Carlos Drummond de. José/ Novos Poemas/ Fazendeiro do ar. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 1993.

BOSI, Alfredo. História concisa da literatura brasileira. 36. ed. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1994.

CHAVES, Flávio Loureiro. História e Literatura. 3. ed. amp. Porto Alegre: Ed. Universidade/ UFRGS, 1999.

IGLESIAS, Francisco. Drummond: história, política e mineiridade. O Estado de São Paulo. São Paulo. 27 out. 1990.

LUKÁCS, Georg. Ensaios sobre literatura. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasiliense, 1968.




How to Cite

Londero, M. I. (2004). Literary text and social context: the crossing of borders, in the work A rosa do povo, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (3), e6.