"Luz e sombra": memories of repression





Repression, Memories, Luz e sombra


This work consists of a reading of the short story "Luz e Sombra", by Caio Fernando Abreu, published in the anthology Morangos Mofados. This study aims to develop a critical reflection about this text based on the articulation of literary text X social content. This investigation focuses on theoretical elements not only in the area of literature, but also on history and society. In these elements, the social criticism of the studied artistic production and its relationship with the context of production is configured. The work also contemplates a reflection on the inner conflict of the narrator, based on psychoanalysis, always pointing to the historical and social context as the main reason for the repression suffered by the protagonist.


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Author Biography

Nayara Nunes Salbego, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Bolsista de Iniciação Científica na UFSM


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How to Cite

Salbego, N. N. (2006). "Luz e sombra": memories of repression. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (7). https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X74011

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