Memory and history in "De amor e de sombras": reviewing a film by Betty Kaplan




History, Memory, De amor e de sombras


A reflection on the concepts of memory and history in Betty Kaplan’s Of love and shadows (1993) is the purpose of this paper. Considering the 1970 and 1980 Chilean political context, we aim at evaluating the way how the movie is a representation of the repression in that moment, trying to give a new sense for the concept of history through the role of the memory.


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Author Biography

Lizandro Carlos Calegari, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Doutor em Letras UFSM. Bolsista CNPq.


De amor e de sombras. Direção de Betty Kaplan. Roteiro de Donald Freed. Versátil, Argentina-Espanha [País de origem: Estados Unidos], 110 min., 1993.

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How to Cite

Calegari, L. C. (2008). Memory and history in "De amor e de sombras": reviewing a film by Betty Kaplan. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (11).

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