“Dramatic trilogy of the Spanish land”: translation as a process and as a result





Translation, Comparative literature, Spanish Literature, Theater


A translated text is, at the same time, process and result (GARCÍA YEBRA: 1982). The process refers to the conditions and criteria that led to its implementation, as well as the research required around the theme and the work to be translated. The result is the realization of this process, materialized for consumption. This work presents the result of the translations of Bodas de Sangue (1933), Yerma (1934) and A Casa de Bernarda Alba (1936), by the Spanish playwright Federico García Lorca (1898-1936), explaining the research process that, in our opinion, it can contribute a lot for the future assemblies of the pieces. Our option is based on the hypothesis that the translator – especially the theater translator – must assume his intervention: not completely de-foreignize the work, leaving marks in the text that indicate its origin, so that the reader-spectator realizes that he is in front of a translated text.


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Author Biography

Luciana Ferrari Montemezzo, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Doutora em Teoria e História Literária pela UNICAMP e pós-doutora em Tradução pela Universidad de Granada (Espanha)


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How to Cite

Montemezzo, L. F. (2009). “Dramatic trilogy of the Spanish land”: translation as a process and as a result. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (13), 68–78. https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X73912