Wonder or apprehension at Italy's eulogy? The second book of Virgil's "Georgics"





Georgics, Grafting, Italy praise, Polyphony, Monstrosity


In the Georgics and, in the poem’s second book, in parts related to the description of the grafting technic and to the praise of Italy, land which is contrasted with the Orient, we have elements for the discussion of Virgil’s “polyphony”. Here, we are talking about the meaning phenomenon which has to do with the multiplicity of viewpoints about the same themes sequentially expressed. This way, we propose an examination of this question, incorporating specialized bibliography and the reading of the poem itself.


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Author Biography

Matheus Trevizam, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP

Mestre e doutor em Linguística pelo IEL-UNICAMP (Letras clássicas/Latim). Atualmente é professor titular de Língua e Literatura latina na Faculdade de Letras da UFMG


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How to Cite

Trevizam, M. (2009). Wonder or apprehension at Italy’s eulogy? The second book of Virgil’s "Georgics". Literatura E Autoritarismo, (14), 108–124. https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X73905