Lavoura arcaica and Brazilian literature in the 1970s: a new perspective




Lavoura arcaica, Intellectual, Critic and engagement


This article proposes to discuss some points of the novel Lavoura arcaica, by Raduan Nassar, released in 1975, based on the hypothesis that it brings literarily configured in its pages the outline of a literary project of its author. And from that we will try to outline the profile of an intellectual writer, that is, one who seeks to act in the public sphere through a strictly literary action. In this regard, Lavoura arcaica brings in its lines not only a critique of the literature of the time, but also of the political status quo. This happens in two ways: one, in which the aesthetic work is the reference and the other, present in the posture of the narrator-character André, a restless individual and questioner of paternal authority. In this way, we can see an action being initiated in the private sphere, the place of the family, going beyond its borders until reaching the public sphere, the place of discourse.


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Author Biography

Rosicley Andrade Coimbra, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, Dourados, MS

Mestrado em Letras pela Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, UFGD, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Coimbra, R. A. (2011). Lavoura arcaica and Brazilian literature in the 1970s: a new perspective. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (17), 30–49.