Authoritarianism exposed in Cuban literature




Authoritarianism; Literature; Wendy Guerra; Cristina García; Cuba.


The present investigation aims to demonstrate how contemporary literature manages to break down countless sociocultural barriers and expose, at the same time as it represents, certain realities; in this case, the condition of authoritarianism in Cuba, especially that experienced since the decadence of the revolution and the fall of the Soviet Union. To accomplish this objective, two novels will be analyzed: Dreaming in Cuban (1992), by the Cuban-American writer Cristina García and Nunca fui primeira dama (2010), by the Cuban writer Wendy Guerra. Based on the perspective of denunciation that both present, we seek to verify how authoritarianism is exposed in the literary text of these two writers who, in their personal and family spheres, witnessed and suffered the consequences of the Cuban Revolution.


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Author Biography

Leoné Astride Barzotto, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados

Full Professor at the Federal University of Grande Dourados.


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GARCÍA, Cristina. Dreaming in Cuban. New York: Ballantine Books, 1992.

GUERRA, Wendy. Nunca fui primeira dama. Trad. Josely Vianna Baptista. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010.

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How to Cite

Barzotto, L. A. (2022). Authoritarianism exposed in Cuban literature. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (26), 5–14.