Pilatos, by Carlos Heitor Cony: a writing of resistance
Freedom, Authoritarianism, Resistance, Carlos Heitor ConyAbstract
This article proposes examine the strategy of resistant writing adopted in the fiction by Carlos Heitor Cony. An author engaged in the revolutionary fight, who confronted the civil-military regime in his chronicles and some novels and with this conquered his space together with the intellectual group of that era. I chose as object of this study, the novel Pilatos published in 1974. Due to being a thematic narrative, verging on an unusual, grotesque and eschatological. Cony by means of this exercise of writing criticizes the authoritarianism and lack of freedom of speech, in the most poignant time of the civil-military dictatorship in Brazil, the so-called: “Anos de Chumbo”. The author transfers to the literary field the notion of freedom of expression in the narrative voice of his mutilated protagonist. The narrator is a frustrated individual, solitary and melancholic, but is in search of a yearning for freedom.
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- 2021-12-29 (1)
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