Primo Levi's dystopian sci-fi and the novel coronavirus: technology's form addiction
Science fiction, Dystopia, Primo Levi, Coronavirus, TechnologyAbstract
The pandemic of the new coronavirus has made the idea that we are living in a dystopia current. Instigated by this idea, in this essay we explore the potential of dystopian science fiction texts to tension the notion of scientific truth by omitting information and generating uncertainties about reality, involving technological artifacts that condition the possibilities of life and sociability, as in the novel A Máquina stopped E.M. Forster. Based on the short story “Proteção” from the work Vício de forma by Primo Levi — a Jew, chemist and survivor of the Shoah —, we discuss his perception of science and establish a parallel with our context, approaching technology as a restriction of freedom and truth and as an expansion that limits human life. We hope that this essay will help this literary subgenre to continue fulfilling the role of alerting us to the imminent dangers of our society.
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- 2022-06-10 (2)
- 2022-06-10 (1)
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