The Instability of Being and the Object: An Analysis of Sea Without Shore




Literatura, Cinema, Memória, Melancolia, Trauma, Amor.


This article aims to investigate the point of tangency, understood as an important key to understanding, founded between the images that emerge from nature and the notions of melancholy, trauma, memory and love present in the work Sea Without Shore, a film directed by André Semenza and Fernanda. The film introduces us to a woman on a Swedish island in the nineteenth century, struggling with the pain of losing her beloved, a work traversed by the reading off of poems by Charles Swinburne and Renée Vivien, as well as an incessant unsteady dance performed all along the feature film, in various landscapes. Therefore, we propose an analysis of the main elements that compose and structure Sea Without Shore.


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Author Biographies

Ana Elisa Oliveira Drawin, UFMG Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Mestranda em teoria da literatura e literatura comparada pela UFMG

Marina Ribeiro Mattar, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Doutoranda em estudos literários na UFMG 


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How to Cite

Drawin, A. E. O., & Mattar, M. R. (2020). The Instability of Being and the Object: An Analysis of Sea Without Shore. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (23).