The First War in Hans Herbert Grimm's picaresque novel Schlump




First World War, picaresque novel, Book Burning


Schlump (1928) narrates the adventures of a soldier during the First World War. Despite its massive divulgation, Schlump had a poor reception at its time. In the year 1933, the work was forbidden
and burned by the Nazis. After decades of oblivion, in 2008, the literary reviewer Volker Weidermann published a book about the Book Burning, which started a process of recuperation of the work, giving it a new chance, as it was published for the second time in the 100th anniversary of the First World War. The reception to Schlump was very positive and showed a clear desire of the critics to compensate for what happened during the Nazi regime. A careful lecture of the book, however, reveals an attitude that tends to being more frivolous than pacifist, and a narrative that is unable to deliver the critical look thatwas promised by its recent positive reviews, as it will be presented in this article.


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Author Biography

Valéria Sabrina Pereira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Professora adjunta da área de Língua e Literatura Alemã na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais e coordenadora pedagógica de língua alemã no Idioma sem Fronteiras da UFMG. 


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How to Cite

Pereira, V. S. (2020). The First War in Hans Herbert Grimm’s picaresque novel Schlump. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (34).