‘Foundation Limits’ by Isaac Asimov: utopia and anti-authoritarianism
Isaac Asimov, Foundation’s Series, Science Fiction, Utopia, AuthoritarianismAbstract
This article aims to problematize from a theoretical-critical approach the notions of Science and Technology present in the work through a discursive analysis of the narrative structures, chronotopes and context and socio-political voices of the novel Foundation’s Edge, by Isaac Asimov. The novel was the continuation of a series of tales written between 1944 and 1950, then grouped as novels and released in trilogy format. We believe that Foundation's Edge, thirty years after the original trilogy, approaches the themes of scientific and technological determinism in their contrasts with free will in a true retrospective resumption of the visions and voices debated by the author throughout the original work. Asimov confronted his previous positions with his new vision of the world in face of the social transformations of the decades that separated the novels, Asimov was able to give a special critical and antiauthoritarian relevance to the work.
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