Memory as a resource for self revolution


  • Alline Araujo Costa Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, PA



Memory, Childhood, Resistance, Emancipation


The purpose of the paper is to observe the tense climate of catastrophes and the ways in which these have been manifested in the narratives. Thus, with the closer look in literary productions, for analysis are Green Vagomundo and Nineteen Eighty-Four. The novel published in 1974 by Benedicto Monteiro is part of a tetralogy that involves several themes among them are the simplicity of a gullible caboclo in himself (Miguel dos Santos Prazeres) and in his dreams and pleasures, the simplicity of a quiet region of the interior of Pará, the scintillations of what governs the state power of the nation in such period, the military dictatorship, and memory, the last two points are the themes that guide this research. Otherwise, though in the same perspective, one sees Winston. As described below: “He tried to locate some childhood memory that would tell him if London had always been like this.” (ORWELL, 2009, p. From this point of the narrative one notices that Winston went out to reconstruct the memories of his past and a London without revolution, so that from these discoveries, of a London without revolution, had the action of returning- against the system instituted by the dictator. These memories unleashed several resilient and subversive actions in both characters, both narratives. There were constant reminders or creations of them to justify the need to go back in time and then justify the present to a possible and future revolution that had not come. In this way, the analyzes of the narrative highlights open precedents for discussions in the field of theories that involves subjects like sovereign power; memory - recollection;  Docilization” - domestication, since these will have to face some mechanisms of silencing and then be paralyzed in their plans of resistance and emancipation.


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Author Biography

Alline Araujo Costa, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, PA

Mestre em Letras


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How to Cite

Costa, A. A. (2019). Memory as a resource for self revolution. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (21).