Testemunhos visuais na literatura do hospício: Lima Barreto e Maura Lopes Cançado





Lima Barreto, Maura Lopes Cançado, Visual testimony, Auditory testimony


In this article, we will try to problematize the opposition between visual and auditory testimonies, mainly from the analysis of mental asylum reports (autobiographical and fictional) by Lima Barreto and Maura Lopes Cançado. While focusing our examination on these writings, we will seek to reflect on the visual construction carried out by these authors, a kind of construction that cannot be simplified or understood as based only on the perception of the look and in the objective description, since it is articulated with the rupture of the representation by various means, as by the exploration of abstract images, of the caricature and extravagant language, of the mist theme, and of the glance limit.


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Author Biography

Daniela Birman, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP

Professora de Literatura Brasileira da Unicamp


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BIRMAN, Daniela. Trauma e repetição: O sinistro e suas formas literárias em três momentos da nossa história. Bolonha, Confluenze, v. 4, p. 192-208, 2012.

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CANÇADO, Maura Lopes. O sofredor do ver. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2015b.

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How to Cite

Birman, D. (2018). Testemunhos visuais na literatura do hospício: Lima Barreto e Maura Lopes Cançado. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (31). https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X31393