Schopenhauer's veiled presence in Nietzsche's On the Future of Our Educational Institutions




Arthur Schopenhauer, Education, Formation, Friedrich Nietzsche, Honor, Educational institutions


The aim of this article is to unveil the subtle presence of Schopenhauer in Nietzsche's lectures On the Future of Our Educational Institutions, delivered by Nietzsche in 1872. To achieve this, it first analyzes the formal similarity between the preface to the first edition of The World as Will and Representation and the one Nietzsche adds to the written version of his lectures. Then, it examines the initial scene of the lectures to identify significant points of contact with Schopenhauer's conception of honor. Subsequently, it explores the role that Nietzsche assigns to professors, which is the central theme of the fourth section. In these two central sections, literal references to Schopenhauer's work that Nietzsche never explicitly stated are exposed. Finally, it explores the educational conception that Nietzsche begins to outline in his fifth lecture: in opposition to an acroamatic education, he suggested an educational relationship that takes the form of guide-guided. Schopenhauer reappears at this point, not only because he also proposes that the professor should play the role of guide, but fundamentally because Nietzsche's demanded model for philosophical education and for himself is embodied in his figure.


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Author Biography

Luis Adrián Castro, University of Buenos Aires

PhD student in Philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).


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How to Cite

Castro, L. A. (2024). Schopenhauer’s veiled presence in Nietzsche’s On the Future of Our Educational Institutions. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 15(1), e88294.