From Schopenhauer's perspective, can abortion be considered unjust?
Abortion, Body, Injustice, NatureAbstract
The role of the body in Schopenhauer's philosophy is fundamental for understanding the will. For Schopenhauer, the body is the will made visible through the objectification of the will: this is so important that it constitutes the philosophical truth par excellence (κατ’ ἐξοχήν), according to the philosopher's own words. Therefore, the question to be answered is the following: how would Schopenhauer understand the body of the human fetus in relation to abortion? To this end, this article intends to present the different forms of conception of pregnancy with the aim of reflecting on the violation of another's will in light of Schopenhauer's conception of injustice (§ 62 of The World); other considerations will also be made taking into account the sixth category of injustice, exclusively exposed in the Berlin lectures, that is, the one concerning the violation of obligations derived from sexual relations.
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