Inflexions on the ethics of alterity in Byung-ChulHan: ways of facing the catastrophe of dataism
Ethics of Alterity, Dataism as catastrophe, Production of subjectivityAbstract
In view of the excess of positivity and maximum performance present in the Performance Society, Byung-Chul Han takes up the dialogue on the transition from Foucault's disciplinary societies and Deleuze's control societies, diagnosing the condition of psychopolitical violence and narcissistic imprisonment, in a scenario of catastrophe present in the current informationregime that configures dataismas one of the main tools of the neoliberal system. This article aims to investigate other modes of civilizational existence, based on the challenges of reincorporating alterity, proposing the inflections that permeate the author's views on the ethics of alterity, based on dialogicity, the experience of the negativity of the otherand the imbrications between the subject and the alter, as well as the alterity of things, as ways of confronting this scenario of barbarism, in order to reconfigure the conditions of being in the contemporary world.
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