On the problem of alterity in the Ethics of Compassion: considerations on Byung-Chul Han's criticism of Schopenhauer


  • Leandro Chevitarese Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ




Compaixão, Alteridade, Metafísica, Budismo


In Schopenhauer's philosophy, the foundation of morals is compassion [Mitleid], which rests on the suppression of the selfish distinction between myself and any other individual. The contemporary philosopher Byung-Chul Han, in his book Philosophy of Zen Buddhism, considers that “compassion (...) is not due to identification or to putting oneself in the other's shoes [Einfühlung]”. When analyzing Schopenhauer's philosophy, in view of his oriental influence, in contrast to the conceptions of Zen Buddhism, the author affirms that his ethics of conditioned compassion is conditioned to the identification between the Self and the Other. This article is about this criticism, considering the problem of otherness in Schopenhauer's Ethics of Compassion, in order to reject the idea that the foundation of morals could be understood in terms of an identification with otherness, but understanding it as an experience metaphysics of sameness of being. Finally, it is intended to indicate what would be the “place” of alterity in Schopenhauer's work, as well as to present, from his eudemonology, the main elements of the author's understanding of the subject.


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2021-12-28 — Updated on 2022-03-23


How to Cite

Chevitarese, L. (2022). On the problem of alterity in the Ethics of Compassion: considerations on Byung-Chul Han’s criticism of Schopenhauer. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 12, e16. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179378667753 (Original work published December 28, 2021)



Schopenhauer e o pensamento universal