Justice, Punishment and Revenge in Arthur Schopenhauer's Philosophy
Justiça Temporal, Justiça Eterna, Punição, Vingança, Arthur SchopenhauerAbstract
This article aims to show, based on the critical reading and analysis of published writings and manuscripts of philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer – especially the texts related to his ethics - the contrasts and articulations between two types of justice suggested by the author in his work, namely, Temporal Justice (zeitliche Gerechtigkeit) and Eternal Justice (ewige Gerechtigkeit). To achieve this, we will analyze the concepts of law (Gesetz), punishment (Strafe) and revenge (Rache), which belong to temporal justice, and the concept of revenge as an arm of Eternal Justice (Arm der ewigen Gerechtigkeit). This objective has as its background the attempt to relate and articulate morality and legality, that is, the philosopher's metaphysics and his ethics.
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- 2021-12-28 (1)
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